Wednesday, July 6, 2011

George Bowe

George Bowe is a bit of a mystery. His career began at least as early as 1948 when he illustrated two books by Enid Blyton and continued until at least 1974 when he drew 'At the End of the Rainbow' in Bonnie.In between he contributed illustrations to Boy's Own Paper, Pony Club Annual, Robin Annual, Girl Annual and Swift Annual in the 1950s and 1960s.

For an artist with a career spanning at least 26 years, it is surprising that nothing else is known.

George Bowe artwork for sale at The Illustration Art Gallery.

Let's Have a Story by Enid Blyton. London, H. A. & W. Pitkin, 1948.
We Want a Story by Enid Blyton. London, H. A. & W. Pitkin, 1948.
The Bard's Cloak by Percy G. Griggs. London, H. A. & W. Pitkin, 1950.
Tiger Hawk by George E. Rochester. London, H. A. & W. Pitkin, 1956.
Ten-Week Stables by Sylvia Scott White. London, Lutterworth Press, 1960.


  1. He was my neighbour in the town of Rayleigh when I was a child. I believe that he studied at the Royal College of Art. He was a very interesting man, fascinated by nature and science who led a very private life. George was also an excellent violinist. I am lucky enough to have a couple of his paintings/drawings which I was given when he died. I know that he did some work for the Eagle comic and Punch during his career.

  2. I wonder if Rayleigh is a big clue... there is only a single record for a George Bowe in Essex: he died in early 1997, his death registered in nearby Southend-on-Sea.
